Innovation is present on a daily basis as part of the corporate culture of Foyer through the Innovation Hub, created in 2016 with the support of the Executive Committee on the basis of a collaborative innovation model, with applied methods, projects, products and links with the ecosystem. Led by the CEO Marc Lauer, the Innovation Hub deals with innovation governance and offers solutions for the following two challenges:

Hub Innovation
A core value and pillar of the Group’s strategy, innovation has been part of Foyer’s DNA since its creation.
Core innovation
Commonly referred to as “incremental innovation”, this focuses on our different business lines and allows us to guarantee service quality, competitiveness, efficiency and profitability through governance which aligns innovation with strategy and the operational model.
Edge innovation
This type of innovation is more disruptive and possibly less obvious, however it allows Foyer to innovate with its business model in order to introduce new sources of growth.
As well as responding to these challenges, the Innovation Hub coordinates the two main complementary pillars, namely internal innovation and open innovation, together with the start-up ecosystem in pursuit of the following aims:
Internal innovation
This encourages all employees to be involved in innovation with the aim of “creating innovators through innovations”.
Open innovation
By maintaining the position of major innovative financial player, and by benefiting from the richness of cooperation with start-ups, incubators, accelerators and innovation clubs and taking inspiration from innovations in our sector, also from a number of other industries.